Tuesday, January 22


I have had the pleasure of working on the calligraphy for some party invitations lately! 

 Calligraphy really boils down to desire to do it and practice. So the more the better!! I absolutely love sitting down with pen and ink and writing away! 

It's very calming in a yoga-like sense. It takes skill and you have to work at it to get it just right but it really is a rewarding stress relief. I began working on it when I was married almost 9 years ago and have practiced on and off since. 

 You may have noticed that I love lots of different artistic mediums. Good for me because it keeps things interesting around here... and lucky for you because well, I guess you get to read of it :)

If you ever are in need of this service don't hesitate to contact me! 

Wednesday, January 16

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year!! 

i was just sitting here working on a little bit of calligraphy and realized i needed to update a bit... get up to speed on the blog :)

i had two custom napmats ordered over the holiday and it was SO much fun working with a mommy and a mimsy (a grandmother... isn't that the cutest name!! AND she has the most creative, precious and truly unique dolls for sale on etsy

i really REALLY love working on custom orders, so if you're looking for something specific please let me know and we can get it put together! 

i am now able to offer monogramming on the napmats for $15. YEY!! your choice of font! exciting times people :)

i also realized i never posted about the Merry Marketplace back in December. it was such a great experience! i was able to take some ornaments and banners with the napmats, mosaic mirrors and flower pots. super fun meeting new friends and of course seeing old ones!!

i hope your new year is starting out just wonderful... relaxed, peaceful, and full of love. 

i am SO excited about this new year and all the new things brewing. i don't really make resolutions, but i have lots of fun ideas!! and lots of inspiration to work from :)

i am planning for lots of mosaic time, more dresses for those lil gals and dusting off that calligraphy pen! i will keep this blog posted of course.

thanks for checking in on cakey & bubs! they appreciate it ;)
and i'll leave you with a favorite tune of the moment!!