Tuesday, October 2

Day 2: a fun exercise {31 days of watercolor}

Today I wanted to try a fun little watercolor exercise! And really there is nothing difficult about this. It's easy and fun... try it with your kids! They will love it :)

I drew vertical lines down my paper (15x11) about an inch apart with a ruler

I wet the second column completely with plain water

I angled my paper and let the paint run down the column on its own

It stays where the paper has been soasked and makes all kinds of interesting paths for itself... first following the fibers of the paper and then running on down

I went every other column soaking with clean water and letting paint run

When I got back to the beginning the first one had mostly dried.

Super fun, super easy way to experiment with color and achieve unique designs with gravity!!


Anonymous said...

I love the rainbow, and the inconsistencies within each colour!

Unknown said...

Oooh, you're making me want to get out my watercolors and play around! I love the dripping and feathering. Watercolor is so awesome in its imperfections.

Jody said...

Yey Shelley!! Hey, will you email me your blog? I couldn't find it! Would love to follow yours :)