Wednesday, April 17


So yall know that besides my family and friends there is nothing I like more than a project!! So with Spring abounding I decided that we were going to try our hand at gardening :) And it just so happens that our neighborhood began a community garden this year, so we (well, I) was eager to join in :) And by gosh, by golly my kids are going to join in too!

We got our seeds going (a little late, but it was still fun)

And seriously in 3 days this is what we had!!!! I'm not about to claim a green thumb yet, but WOW!! it works! haha 

IN JUST 6 DAYS this is what we had!!! Ok, about ready to paint my thumbs green...

About a week later we went to our grand opening at the community garden and Violet picked out plot #4 for us :) I love even numbers!!! Way to go sweet girl!

They love it, really they do.... even though "it's so boring at the garden"...  they will learn to love it. I will instill this :)

About a week later it was a nice day to plant, so we (well, I) went down to plant our seedlings. We've got tomatos (which I already replaced with bigger plants bc the seeds were sad... I started them too late really), watermelon, lettuce seeds, peppers, peas, zucchini, green beans and carrot seeds!! All here in this tiny plot!

I'm sure I will be thinning it out (that is IF it grows!!) oh, and corn too, which is right there on the left... but a few stalks of it already decided to break off, so.... and the black beans have pretty much shriveled up and gone off to black bean heaven, so...... 

WE SHALL SEE..... for the most part I'm just trying to show Violet how UN-BORING it is :)

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