seemed like almost every day, every moment is magical at Disney World.
I, in turn, became extremely snap happy!! Uh oh, 1500 pictures later!!
But I have LOVED sorting through them and I narrowed it down to my
favorite 200 and will be posting probably too many from that group :)
So get ready to see entirely too many photos of my kids with lots of characters!! (they loved meeting them all)
My princess and prince on the Prince Charming Regal Carousel!!
On the lovely Main Street USA!!
I love making little videos now and then and this one pretty much sums the trip up!
We ate breakfast with the Winnie the Pooh characters and Weston was in heaven!! They are by far his favorite!

LOVE these two!!
was so sweet!! I loved how all the characters took so much time to talk
with the kids and really stay in character. It was really special!

Jasmine was huge for this girl! Aladdin and Jasmine were so friendly!
Riding Jasmine's magic carpet ride
Meeting Ariel in her Grotto!
Dinner with Cinderella + stepsisters and mean old mother!!

These two live wires running back to our room after a long day!!
And our messy wonderful nightly family campout!!
We had breakfast with Chef Mickey and all of his pals the next morning! Super cute!!
When Pluto put the autograph book on his nose to sign Weston was cracking up!!
Then we spent the day at Epcot seeing the world (and lots more characters!!)
Super sweet!! First Violet helping Weston towards Daisy..
and then Weston giving her one of his best hugs!!
These two locos in Mexico!!
Violet and Weston taking a photo in the same spot where I have one from long ago with Jenn!!
Love his expression and his little toes :)
We ran into Sleeping Beauty just as our very own sleeping beauty decided to take his nap :)
So while he slept Violet put on a little show for us and we took a breather :)
as we were walking around we practically bumped into Mary Poppins!! She
let my sweetie hold her umbrella and I think that just about made her
(Daddy really loved seeing her too, really :)
Keeping busy on the bus ride!
We took a picture of our kids every morning as a safety precaution, but they ended up being some cute pics too!
Off to Hollywood Studios!!
We had a blast at a Disney Jr Live show and then ran into several characters...
Loved the Toy Story ride in 3D!!
an awesome time in Honey I Shrunk the Kids... but I was more worried
about it becoming honey I lost the kids, so we were quick to get out!!

And after we watched a Beauty and the Beast show we ran into a green army man!
That night we had dinner back at Magic Kingdom at Be Our Guest, the Beauty and the Beast restaurant. It was fabulous!!
My princess dancing with the Beast after dinner!!
afterwards went to Belle's Storytime Show where the kids get to act out
the Beauty and the Beast story for Belle.
chance we got we stayed late in Magic Kingdom and rode Small World and
Peter Pan a few last times when there were no lines :)
The next day started off at Animal Kingdom with the Lion King show and a Safari...
And Bubs went crazy on the drums any chance he got!
The Finding Nemo musical was amazing!!
And yes, that evening was more princesses back in Epcot!!
And Alice found her white rabbit :)
And we ran into Pooh in England which was a huge treat!!
It's love!!
The next morning we had a special makeover at the Bibbity Bobbity Boutique!
She decided to wear her Belle dress. They did hair, makeup, nails, glitter... anything and everything the a princess could need!
It was a bit rainy, so naturally Disney has hair protection for princesses!!
We ate in Cinderella's castle that afternoon and yes, more princesses!!
We found Merida and Weston happily went right up to her!!
Although Merida was the only princess Violet was not sure about

that same day finally found Rapunzel and Weston wouldn't even look at
her!! It was SO CUTE!! He was so shy... Carter said he has a special
place in his heart for Rapunzel :)

And made it over to Tomorrowland...
And rode the Carousel of Progress :)
Our last day we spent doing our favorite things from the week and that meant staying in Magic Kingdom and having a ball!!
These two couldn't get enough of the big mouse!! :)
One of the faves :)

More faves :)
Watching a circus clown!!
This girl is a big helper when it comes to fast passes!!
And we saw the MOST GORGEOUS RAINBOW!! God has a special way of reminding us who really makes the magic happen :)
My sweetie was Mrs Potts again in Storytime with Belle!!
I wanted to remember HOW STINKIN CUTE these two were in their rain ponchos. I love the tops of their sweet little heads :)
And lots and lots of It's a Small World on the last day!!
(Peter Pan, too, but it's impossible to take a picture in there...)
next morning getting ready to head home we were SO sad to go (Bubs
trying to climb out of his stroller so he could stay!!) It was such a
special vacation, special family time together, special memories made!!
We can't wait to go back sometime and experience it ALL over again!!
Stay tuned for my upcoming blog post :: a custom mosaic mirror!!
The colors my client chose are simply gorgeous!! I can't wait to show you- I'm so thrilled :)
Also, our gardening is going well, well, it's growing!! I will post a few updated pictures of it soon!