Wednesday, October 10

Day 10: mad cow disease {31 days of watercolor}

OK, so if honesty is the best policy then this cow has got to have 

look at him {not for too long though}... his color is all off...
surely he's coming down with something... the flu?

and to top it off he looks flat out MEAN! ready to blow smoke...
{in fact, my husband came in and asked me mid-painting if that WAS the mean one (bc one of the cows really was mean)...}
proportions terrible... overworked... i was trying to save him, but.............
i couldn't.

so i came this close to not even posting it...
poor guy, almost didn't even make the 31 days because i was going to hide how hideously i mixed up the paint.
he's so cute and sweet in real life... look how cute!

but then i thought, no. i've got to post the bad with the good because it's all about getting better right? this silly little 31 days of watercolor is not in any way shape or form about me showing the world what an *amazing* watercolorist i am... 

it's about progression over time 
trial and error 
proof that we can all try 
{whatever it is that you so desire anyway}
make some mistakes
 and the benefit... learn something along the way!!

long story to say that i started over {always an option!! YEY!!}
and did the next cow in like 5 minutes and am MUCH happier with his result
 even though he's pretty unfinished and pretty bloated... ugh
{that's better than overworked, overmixed, and just plain sick looking}

 so there.

 OH and guess what?
my little apprentice did one right along with me!! 

check out what an artista she is!!!

 just love hers!

so be encouraged- even if what you just did feels like a fail!!


Dorothy said...

Thanks for showing us your mistakes, it does make us feel freer to fail and how natural it is.

Jen said...

You are brave posting your "fail" for all of us to see, it's a part of creating and I'm glad you weren't afraid to show it!

Unknown said...

sharing is kicked butt! xx