Monday, October 8

Day 8: with my sidekick {31 days of watercolor}

before i begin... 
have yall checked out these blogs below? there are some really great other 31 day blogs out there!! here are a few that you really should check out:

now onto day eight!!
today doubled as special time with my sidekick girl while her lil bro was napping.

now, don't think that things are all peaches and roses over here. faaaar from it. i struggle with including her in my work... not because i don't want her to help it's just that usually there's not all that much she can do. she can press the pedal to the sewing machine, but usually that's about it. anyway, my girl and i... we have been having some HARD days over here. just plain hard. if i say one thing she wants the other and makes a HUGE GIGANTIC stink until we sort it all out. the days are long, the days are hard. the days are always put to sleep praying that tomorrow's day will bring about better choices, for me and her...

so after reading through some of Red and Honey's blog today i thought... here's what i can do. INCLUDE HER in what i'm doing... ask her to HELP me.... give her a little painting FREEDOM
and guess what we had FUN together!!
{i'm telling you, these blogs are good for something y'all}

so here's what we got...

 seriously, she's a doll :)

 fun times experimenting with the paint and water

blowing the paint and letting it drip off the paper was fun for us both
{just ignore the saliva falling from the straw!!}

i love this one!!

experimenting with brushes

and watching the paint swirl into the water never gets old

 splattering with the fan brush was awesome!!

i was working on "pulling a wash"

and then figured what the heck... it's more fun to see the brushstrokes anyway!! :)

using my india ink again like yesterday but instead of using a calligraphy brush i used it straight from this lid squeezer thing... more of like drawing with a pencil really. and i have to say that i loved using it this way... some control, but not too much as the ink comes out all at once and then not at all. sounds frustrating, but i think it leaves a great result.

and again drawing my design inspiration from the wood door thingie from day 1

and my sweet girl tried out the ink as well :)
love her.

 i would say today was very successfull when it comes to time well spent!
my sweet girl is so special :)


Unknown said...

firstly, you nearly made me cry with the link!!! i was having a very sad, low blogger moment and then look a link!! thank you!

and then much more importantly...i adore your days work! isnt it fab and we were having such similar moments...i too ended up with kiddies all around me just doing a little felt tip pen drawing with them and we had a blast too! lovely post thank youxx

Jen said...

What an excellent day to share together!! I also have trouble letting my kids help with projects, usually because I'm sewing. But they will remember the days where we actually let them join us.

Thanks for the mention!