Wednesday, October 31

Day 31: that's a wrap!! {31 days of watercolor}

WOW!!!! Here I am at the finish line!! 


31 days of watercoloring completed!!

while it may not have seemed like it, some days it was haaard for me to find the time/energy/ideas to keep at this little commitment because i love making artwork, learning new things and figuring them out and sometimes failing too, 
but here i am at the end and here is what I learned:

1// don't stress, watercolor {and life} is a learning process, the best things happen when you let go of the stress and embrace the mess :)

2// if you never set goals to learn something new you will never do it! pretty basic huh? but so true.

3// i have some amazingly sweet friends {some whom i've never even met before!!} who were so kind to support and encourage me forward with their comments both on the blog and on my facebook page... THANK YOU my dear friends!!! what would I EVER do without yall!! much love!!!

4// MY KIDS INSPIRE ME!!! looking back on how many of the last 31 days were inspired directly by them amazes me!! they are the absolute BEST part of my heart and soul :)

5// days when i allowed my sweet girl to be a part of my activity were the BEST ones!!

6// quick and loose works for me in watercolor, overworking it = awe.full.

7// practice is key... even on days where it seems impossible {my nana would have been proud. she was a teacher for 33 years and she always said repetition, repetition, repetition....}

8// it doesn't have to be perfect to be beautiful!!! taken directly from the queen of the 31 days herself, Nester. and i just couldn't agree more.

9// don't be too scared to try something NEW!! that is of interest and worth pursuing. even if it means failing some days and just trying again tomorrow!!

10// on days when you JUST. DON'T. HAVE. ANY. NEW. IDEAS. and you feel like you've been at it for faaaaar too long just push through and do it. even if it's just a little 5 minute thing, that's great!!!

thank you SO VERY MUCH!! from the bottom of my heart if you have followed along this little series of daily watercolor practice... congratulations to YOU!!! :) surely more watercolor to come!! now what?? 
i mentioned that i've been working on mosaics behind the scenes, so i will be posting some new mosaic coasters and things in my etsy shop soon... hopefully friday!! i'm super excited to be working on mosaics again!! 


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i love the 10 list of things you learned. all very applicable to life in general.
hugs, jenn