Wednesday, October 24

Day 24: jumping jacks {31 days of watercolor}

if you're just tuning in 
and would like to find out what in the heck this 31 days of watercolor series is 
please click here!!

so i'm NOT a marathoner!! i'm more of a short distance kinda girl... with the occasional stop for jumping jacks or burpees {you bbc friends know what i'm talking about} and then i'll happily keep on going...

so the fact that today is DAY 24 {whaaaat?!!!} and i've made it every. single. day trying out something new in watercolor makes me SO HAPPY!

in honor of day 24 
 i'm doing "jumping jacks" today... taking a little break from my marathon to rest my mind and  
play paints 
with my girl!!

 she's a wonderful artist!!
today without me even asking {before i had this marvelous idea} she got us all set up on her own.
picked out pages for us to paint, got the paints and brushes out and filled up the water cup!
 and then invited me over to the table to paint with her!!! what a sweetie! kind of reminds me way, way back to day 8 and i can see that my 31 days is rubbing off on her just a tad :)

drawing on the movie tangled for our inspiration...

we talked about choosing different colors, painting the same color at the same time, and cleaning off our brushes...

 we wondered why rapunzel never changes clothes, and when she washes them, and how she probably doesn't get them very dirty anyway...

we had so much fun...

and we ended with a beautiful watercolor!! 
{and just a little bit of a 4 year old smirk :)}

  it was just what i needed to refresh me for the next 7 days ahead!! 
thanks for checking in!!

1 comment:

Leona said...

This may be my favorite post. What special memories!!