Tuesday, October 16

Day 16: her majesty, watercolor {31 days of watercolor}

okay, so my calligraphy pen got the best of me!

it was lying out today after last nights post and well, i had to pick it up again today :)

but today i realized how effective watercolor is in being an accent to another artistic medium. i didn't really think of it that way yesterday. i saw it more of a way to just add color... to color in really. 

but today i realized that i need to combine the use of different mediums more often in my work... to bring in the unexpected which in turn adds substance. watercolor really adds volumes because of it's luminosity, it's variations, it's edges, it's unexpected beauty.... should i keep going?!!

so anyway, for the lover of letters in me. 

here, my friends.....

is the alphabet. 
{trumpets sounding}

accompanied by his beautiful companion, watercolor.

sweet dreams!

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