Sunday, October 14

Day 14: color on a brush {31 days of watercolor}

i love the typical work of Mark Rothko and it's blocks of color
it's simple genius and it works
i can stare at it for what seems forever...
i remember the first time looking at it and trying to figure out which parts he painted first... background, foreground, etc etc-

he worked on a large scale and it is said wanted his viewer to ideally stand 18" from his piece so that they would feel immersed in the piece.

if you don't know his work and you google his name this is what you'll get....

{that picture grouping of his work looks great on it's own, don't you think?}

so for today i am drawing on his later works for inspiration...
although he used mainly oil, and i'm working in watercolor
he painted on a large scale canvas, and i'm using small pieces of watercolor paper (7.5"x11")

ahhh the simple freedom of working with color next to each other
mixing and matching...
and watching the brushstrokes call the shots~

you're really going to want to try this
because it's low pressure and super fun!

i love seeing brushstrokes
{it always reminds me that there was an artist behind the work}

**p.s. if you want one just send me a msg and i'll stick it in the mail to you**

so here's what you need:

*watercolor paper... or any kind if you just want to try now :)
*paints... of any kind really bc i know you just want to try it asap :)
*brush... i used a 3/4" but whatever you have

SEE you probably already have all the supplies!
now go and have fun!


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