Saturday, October 13

Day 13: picking a pumpkin {31 days of watercolor}

we had so much fun at the pumpkin patch on friday that today i wanted to attempt to capture that precious moment of picking out a pumpkin!

i've said it before and i'll probably keep on sayin it until day 31...
i just LOVE how loosely i can work in watercolor.
it really doesn't have to be picture perfect to convey the essence of a scene or object or color.
it just flows freely. 
i like how it makes me not strive for perfection... 
because sometimes that's what i need... to just let things be how they are
to let go of the control for a while
anyway, perfect capturing is what a camera is for right?

watercolor lends itself to atmosphere and emotion. 
and i am growing to love it!!
have you tried it yet??

you should!!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

wow! to every day. but SUPER wow to this one!
Love, Jenn