Tuesday, October 23

Day 23: a portrait, okay {31 days of watercolor}

well it's certainly not hard to see why i love my little bubs SO VERY MUCH!! 
he's is so stinking cute!!
not only that but he has a heart of gold!!! solid gold.
he says okay all the time now, not no, but okay. it's so cute because his changes up his intonation from time to time... oookAy, oKay, ooOokay :) 

so what a great PHOTO of him :) 
i probably should have left well enough alone and not even attempted this one but it was fun.

i was reminiscing of my bygone college classes while working on it. i absolutely loved those classes and learned so much in them!! i had one professor say that if you can draw the human body you can draw anything. that stuck with me. and it's really true!

so here is my self-rated "okay" painting of my son. gosh, i need to practice portraits more. i do love the way that his eyes ended up that's why i gave you a close up of them. but, something about the structure of his face is a bit off................ ah, well, perfection is overrated :)

yall have a lovely afternoon

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