Sunday, October 7

Day 7: the road {31 days of watercolor}

First of all I'm so excited that I have people reading my blog and commenting!! What a cool bunch of people YOU are :)
And on to Day 7! For today I used this photo from the road just traveled...

After reading a book on watercolor I wanted to try a very simple wash using an impression of the natural colors and then going back over it with ink.
 I'm going to be working on what they call "pulling a wash" over the next few days. Now that I've read about it I realize I'm not very successful yet.

I'm working at freeing myself up with the paint. It can be so beautiful when left to leave it's own marks... when it kind of does what it wants to do.

After drying I went back over it with black waterproof india ink...

And there you have it. Day 7.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

i love that! you are so right...paint is very beautiful when not overworked. as a textile person though i cant help myself...i always end up overworking and then sewing beads on the top lol xxxx loving your series...glad you are having people visit! xxx