Sunday, September 30

31 days of watercolor {intro}

One of my most favorite blogs to read is the Nesting Place. And every year in October she writes a themed series on a certain topic, every day of the month... this year her topic is Home. On Purpose. I've always loved reading what she has to say during these series. She invites everyone to join in and blog their own 31 days topic. So this year I've decided to take the plunge because I have really wanted to play around more with watercolor :) Wooohooo!!
Now, 31 days, everyday is quite a committment, but I'm taking on the challenge. {And I will be away from my computer the later half of this week, so I'm trying to figure out how I will work that out} but I'm excited to spend the month of October doing this.

NOW... let's get one thing straight!! By no means do I want you to think I will produce some sort of masterpiece every single day.... or at ALL even! In fact I may just spend 5 minutes doing it. I'm just playing with it.. to see what happens.. low pressure.. fun!! and creative. Just a way to keep myself accountable to work with a new medium.

So here I go!

DAY 1: getting started

DAY 2: a fun exercise 

DAY 3: controlled typography

DAY 4: painting in the car

DAY 5: watertower watercolor

DAY 6: night owl 

DAY 7: the road

DAY 8: with my sidekick

DAY 9: favorite old brown glass jug

DAY 10: mad cow disease

DAY 11: give me something pretty 

DAY 12: fall 

DAY 13: picking a pumpkin 

DAY 14: color on a brush 

DAY 15: whatever you do 

DAY 16: her majesty, watercolor 

DAY 17: hearts 

DAY 18: a 30 minute challenge 

DAY 19: progress!! 

DAY 20: i'm a little teapot 

DAY 21: fall flower 

DAY 22: the dunes 

DAY 23: a portrait, okay 

DAY 24: jumping jacks 

DAY 25: water brush 

DAY 26: a sweetheart 

DAY 27: abstract and assemblage

DAY 28: aquaboard 

DAY 29: wet into wet 

DAY 30: art in the sky 

DAY 31: that's a wrap!!


Unknown said...

Love your series idea. I was originally SO tempted to do this too... I'm a children's book artist. But I really wanted to play around in a watercolor sketchbook. I ended up doing 31 Days of Children's Book Crushes. Have lots of fun! Looking forward to seeing your work. =)

Unknown said...

yay another creative theme...mine is 31 days of creativity! cant wait to follow along with you! your kids are also precious. lovely to find you on here xx now go do some painting!